Monday, October 25, 2010

Mt Hood run but DNF

Rain, voltage problems and a blown head gasket summed up the day. Things started out well with some last minute vinyl additions to the car making it look quite seasonal, thanks again to Proyecto. On the transit to the first stage we noticed an over voltage coming off the alternator that had some effects on how the car was running but things were going well. On the third stage we were pushing hard and ended up loosing the head gasket after a bit of an overheat. The signs were clear with the motor turning over too easy and compression coming back through the coolant system. It looks like the next event we will be doing will be Olympus next spring.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

The new paint is on

After a few long nights the car is all one color, tonight it's time to sand out a few of the mistakes and do some touch up.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mt Hood

With the cancellation of Wild West our efforts shifted to Mt. Hood and getting some more work done on the car. The aluminum skid plate was replaced with a stainless one that was a bit thicker and mounted better(I hope). The car is also getting some much needed body work not that I am that good but I have to lean sometime. On the plus side it is really convenient to be able to drive the car while it is all taped up.